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Tips on Finding Affordable Dental Implant Treatment

Dental Implants Windsor

When you have missing teeth and are looking for a solution, you will likely come across these four common dental solutions: dentures, dental bridges, temporary retainers, and dental implants. All do the job and fill in any missing tooth gap; however, some perform better than others and some are better for certain oral health conditions than others.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a permanent solution to missing teeth in your smile. Dental implants are made up of two main components; the post and the crown. The post is carefully drilled into your jawbone and serves as the new tooth root. The bone will grow to secure the post in place, and once healed, a tooth-shaped crown will be cemented on top. Dental implants can last well beyond 20 years safely and securely, requiring your regular oral health maintenance like brushing and flossing. A healed dental implant may also be used as an anchor for other dental devices such as bridges or dentures.

Why Choose Dental Implants Over Dentures?

Dental implants are not considered to be ‘cheap’ and the process can take a considerable amount of time to complete from start to finish. So why are these the gold standard in missing tooth solutions? And what makes them more favourable over dentures and other alternate fixes?

Best Value

When you purchase a dental implant, you are making a single investment that is highly likely to outlast any other solution. Rather than paying for a new solution every few years, dental implants can be set once and last!


Dental implants are extremely secure in the mouth. Because each dental implant is drilled into the jawbone, you will not need to worry about applying dental adhesive each day as you typically do with dentures.


Your dental implant can be used as a stand-alone tooth when only one tooth is missing or as an anchor for other dental devices like dental bridges or partial dentures.

Low maintenance

Once healed, treat your dental implant like any other tooth. Unlike dentures, you do not have to worry about cleaning them overnight in a glass with Polident; just brush and floss as usual and you’re good to go!

Finding Low-Cost Dental Implants

Dental implants are not a cheap dental treatment. They also are not the kind of treatment you want to ‘cheap out’ on. Dental implant procedures are relatively expensive because there are multiple appointments required in order to complete the process and dental implants are considered to be a long-lasting investment. Yes, there are cheaper alternatives, but none that will likely last as long as a dental implant.

The most important thing about finding a Windsor dentist to complete your dental implant procedure is finding someone you can trust. At Roseland Family Dental, we are more than happy to speak with patients before starting any part of the dental implant journey. We value customer comfort as well as offering affordable solutions. We offer Free Consultations for Dental Implants and other procedures as well.

For more information on how Roseland Family Dental is keeping Windsor dental implants affordable, call and book your appointment today!